Greetings, I am Sarah.
To the centre of my being,
I am a midwife.

I feel my journey connecting with practices that are seen as alternative to our modern medicalised system, is a reclaiming of what midwifery truely means for me. Throughout history, midwives have played crucial roles as pillars of the community, nurturing the physical and spiritual well-being of women and their families. Traditionally working with plants, massage and holding safe physical and spiritual spaces. This is how I show up for the women and families I guide, grounding my practice in the timeless principles of genuine midwifery care.

My experience is diverse, spanning different countries and settings, from rural hospitals in Australia to birth centres in India. Primarily, I specialise in providing support for women choosing to birth their babies at home, which has taken me across our beautiful country to remote Indigenous communities in Australia.

For a decade I have pursued a passion of connecting with and learning from women, midwives and traditional cultures surrounding birth. I have never been one to take the road most travelled and my midwifery career and how I support women has been the same. I work with plants, nutrition and body work to provide women holistic healing along the childbearing continuum and to support women’s reproductive health and healing. I am passionate about sharing this knowledge with other women and birth workers through my events and mentoring.

Bearing witness to the culture of birth throughout Australia, India, Cambodia, Austria, Vanuatu and Guatemala, I have gained a deep trust and competence for supporting brith in its unique unfoldings. I have witnessed that a well supported woman will connect with her intuition and birth in her power. Time again I have seen how an empowered birth experience will transform a woman’s life.

My experiences have supported the unwavering trust I have in women to grow and birth their babies. I have a deep love for nurturing and nourishing women especially in postpartum, so they can feel confident and thrive in mothering their babies.

Women bear the future and investing in their health and wellbeing during childbearing is an investment into the health and wellbeing of a community. How women birth and mother has the power to heal Mother Earth.
This sacred servitude to the Mother is my Dharma.


The Midwife Project Gautemaya: Sacred Maya Midwifery retreat
Mayan abdominal massage
Naoli Vinaver: Resolving challenging births
Naoli Vinaver: Rebozo and colsing of the bones ceremony
Massage Australia: Postpartum Massage
Spinning Babies workshops
Spinning Babies: Resolving shoulder dystocia
The Thompson Method (breastfeeding)
When Survivors Give Birth
Naoli Vinaver: The Art of Birth
Rachel Reed: Childbirth Physiology
Creative Ways for Making Space: Pelvic workshop
Releasing the Pelvis: Myosacral workshop
Microbirth School:
-The Infant Microbiome and Epigenetics
-Group B Strep
Antenatal Educator Training: Da La Luze holistic Midwifery school Spain


Preserving traditions and helping to empower the Mayan midwives from Lake Atitlan, Guatemala- International Confederation of Midwives
Sharing of Sacred Maya Midwifery practices in support of
The Midwife Project Guatemala- Virtual International Day of the Midwife

Maternity Care for Women with a History of Sexual Abuse- Virtual International Day of the Midwife
Resistance to Change: The challenges of initiating a midwifery group practice in outback Queensland- International Confederation of Midwives
Pick your Battles- International Confederation of Midwives
Traditional Healer who Holds the Belly- Australian College of Midwives

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